These days, many boaters are looking for ways to reduce their environmental impact. Sustainable boating practices are essential for protecting delicate marine ecosystems and for keeping our waterways clean and safe. Not sure where to start? Read on for a quick primer on sustainable boating from American Marine & Motorsports! American Marine & Motorsports is your local boat dealer in Shawano, WI, serving Green Bay and Appleton.

Packing Out Your Trash

Most of us have had the dangers of littering drilled into our heads by now. Still, many boaters continue to treat our waterways like landfills, disposing of everything from plastic bottles and fishing nets to apple cores and orange peels. None of this material belongs in the water, and littering is a major contributing factor to the destruction of marine habitats. Even biodegradable organic matter takes a long time to biodegrade and may threaten marine life.

To avoid becoming part of the problem, outfit your boat with secure trash and recycling bins. Remember to pack out your trash after each boating trip, and make sure never to leave trash lying around on your boat deck, where it could be blown overboard by the wind.

Using Fewer Chemicals

Unfortunately, many of the chemicals used in boat maintenance and repair can be harmful to the environment. To limit your use of these chemicals, you should learn which products can be hazardous, and seek out safe alternatives whenever possible.

For example, harsh chemicals like ammonia, phosphates, and chlorine are often used to clean boats, but they can also leech out into the water and threaten marine life. More eco-friendly alternatives include vinegar, baking soda, and borax. Cleaning your boat on a more frequent basis will also make it easier to remove debris, so you won’t have to rely on harsh chemicals.

Another product to avoid is anti-fouling paint. This paint is used to prevent the growth of organisms on your boat, but it also contains dangerous levels of mercury, copper, and arsenic. Choosing another kind of paint will reduce your environmental impact.

Keeping Fuel and Solvents Contained

If they are not properly maintained, your boat engine and battery can release fuel and solvents into the water. This is not only destructive to marine habitats, it’s also against the law. Spilling too much oil in the water can get you in trouble with the United States Coast Guard, and for good reason! To avoid contaminating the water, carefully check your bilge before pumping it.

In the event of an oil spill, you can place an absorbent pad over the spill to contain it. Take your boat to shore and get it repaired as soon as possible to prevent another spill.

Watching Out for Wildlife

Boaters share the waterways with fish, waterfowl, aquatic mammals, and an abundance of plant and insect species. If you enjoy hunting or fishing from your boat, make sure to comply with local rules and regulations to minimize your impact on the marine ecosystem. Reduce your speed when wild animals are nearby, and admire them from a safe and respectful distance.

If you need more advice on sustainable boating, you are always welcome to consult the team here at American Marine & Motorsports in Shawano, WI. We look forward to serving you!